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Arthur A. Travis Jr. 1950 - 2022

Boucher O'Brien Funeral Home

Arthur A. Travis Jr. passed away peacefully on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, due to dementia that unexpectantly took him too soon.

Art was born in Springfield, MA on June 7th, 1950 and resided there his entire life. He graduated from Western New England College in 1973 and shortly after founded Travis Auto School and Art Travis Photography.

He completed his Master’s at Cambridge College in 1995. He taught in Springfield, Holyoke and Chicopee, most recently retiring from Springfield Technical Community College (STCC).

Art is survived by his son Arthur (Lisa) Travis III; daughter Lisa (Josh) Fagan; grandchildren Jett and Pixie Fagan; sister Jean Travis and former wife Deborah Travis. He was predeceased by his parents Arthur Travis Sr., Barbara Travis and sister Linda Lamore.

Family members will be scattering Art’s ashes in a private ceremony.

Art was a philosophical man and teacher and to pull a quote from the summary of his Master’s thesis “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished; if you’re alive, it isn’t” (Bach)

He was on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and longtime member of the Life of Learning Foundation. Please consider a donation in his name to, located at 459 Galice Road, Merlin, OR 97532.

Boucher-O'Brien Funeral Home in Easthampton was entrusted with his cremation.

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